Package 'moose'

Title: Mean Squared Out-of-Sample Error Projection
Description: Projects mean squared out-of-sample error for a linear regression based upon the methodology developed in Rohlfs (2022) <doi:10.48550/arXiv.2209.01493>. It consumes as inputs the lm object from an estimated OLS regression (based on the "training sample") and a data.frame of out-of-sample cases (the "test sample") that have non-missing values for the same predictors. The test sample may or may not include data on the outcome variable; if it does, that variable is not used. The aim of the exercise is to project what what mean squared out-of-sample error can be expected given the predictor values supplied in the test sample. Output consists of a list of three elements: the projected mean squared out-of-sample error, the projected out-of-sample R-squared, and a vector of out-of-sample "hat" or "leverage" values, as defined in the paper.
Authors: Chris Rohlfs [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Chris Rohlfs <[email protected]>
License: MIT + file LICENSE
Version: 0.0.1
Built: 2025-02-09 05:14:26 UTC

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moose: mean squared out-of-sample error projection


This function projects the mean squared out-of-sample error for a linear regression


moose(reg, dataset)



an lm object containing the regression to project out-of-sample


a data.frame containing new cases for out-of-sample projection



Projected mean squared out-of-sample error


Projected out-of-sample R-squared


Leverage for each out-of-sample observation. For each i, this is the sum of the squared elements of xi [X'X]^-1 X', where X is the predictor matrix from the training sample.


# set the seed for reproducibility of the example
# randomly generate 100 observations of data
mydata <- data.frame(x1=rnorm(100),x2=rnorm(100),x3=rnorm(100))
# true outcome variable is y = x1 + x2 + x3 + e
y <- mydata$x1 + mydata$x2 + mydata$x3 + rnorm(100)
# regression with the first 25 observations from the dataset
reg <- lm(y ~ x1 + x2 + x3,data=cbind(y,mydata)[1:25,])
# using the predictor values from the first 25 observations,
# project the out-of-sample error we can expect in the case of
# "non-stochastic" predictors whose values are the same in the
# test sample as in the training sample.
# note that mydata does not include the outcome variable.
same.predictor.values.error <- moose(reg,mydata[1:25,])
# by comparison, the in-sample R-squared value observed
# in training is:
# using the predictor values from the next 75 obsevervations,
# project the out-of-sample error we can expect in the case
# of stochastic predictors whose values potentially differ
# from those used in training.
new.predictor.values.error <- moose(reg,mydata[26:100,])
# by comparison, the actual mse and out-of-sample R-squared value
# obtained from observations 26-100 of this random sample are:
mse <- mean((y[26:100]-predict(reg,mydata[26:100,]))^2)
mse <- mean((y[26:100]-mean(y[26:100]))^2)
r2o <- 1-mse/